Tag Archive for: Fluency

With 1.5 billion global speakers, English is still one of the most influential languages in the
world. ‘The English Propaganda’ – as they call it – appears in a myriad of works, ranging from
Christopher Nolan’s linguistic screenplays (excellent displays of modern anachronism by the
way) to the well articulated stanzas in Shakespeare’s plays.
Taking your first step into learning English can be overwhelming. Mitigating the social norms
of linguistic education – which is a bureaucratic cycle of listening, noting, and doing
assignments – we should encourage learners to take a slightly more indulgent approach to
learning a new language. That is, by actually exposing themselves to the linguistic culture of
the language.
It is more effective by turning on Taratino’s ironic ‘Kill Bill’, than to overload yourself with a
bunch of worksheets that depend solely on memorization. Picking dialogue-heavy films and
shows with subtitles can influence learners’ linguistic comprehension, phonology,
orthography, and syntax analysis.
The same way in machine and augmented learning where the more inputs there are put into
a sorting algorithm/system, the more collective it becomes hence improving its conscience
thus the performance.
An experiment was made by Mitterer and McQueen (from the Institute for Psycholinguistics
in the Netherlands), upon studying the effects of subtitles [in films] and whether or not they
improve English speech perception for second language learners, the pair advertently
selected a TV show where the more conventional (British) English was used, targeting sixty
non-proficient English speakers (most of them being spanish-catalan bilinguals). Following
the briefing, two tests were given to the volunteers before and after watching the episode,
and a plot comprehension only post-episode.
According to the same report, the produced outcomes were somewhat expected – a 17%
increase in listening scores with proper English subtitles; 7% increase for no subtitles; no
increase for Spanish subtitles.
The first criteria has already matched its initial hypothesis, ‘subtitles in the original language
can be used to retune the link of speech-sounds with perceptive categories,’
Audiovisual stimuli is a vital part of our cognitive analyses, meaning that what we hear and
see simultaneously on television screens are often more easily absorbed than visual or
audio stimulants alone.
Another similarly laid-out experiment was conducted in Indonesia, setting out two initial
a). The influence of watching English movies by using subtitles toward students’
speaking skills for the first grade students of public senior high school.
b). To know the response of students in the learning process by using English movies
with subtitles.
Once again, the students were asked to complete a pre-test. After that, the experimental
class was assessed on five major criterions – pronunciation, fluency, grammar,
comprehension, and vocabulary – ‘through watching movies by using subtitles and held for
four meetings.’
*The overall test consists of a pre-test, ‘treatments’, and posttests.
The results were concluded into two segments, in which both supported the initial
hypotheses: i). Watching the English movie with subtitles can influence students’ speaking
skills; the students’ pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension further
improved post-movies. ii). Students provided positive responses to the researchers after
watching the movies, i.e. students are able to create well formatted responses to the
teachers after watching the series of episodes.
It can be seen from the results of student observation sheets increasing from one meeting to
another. This is backed up by simple linear regression analysis.
Though both experiments only showed short-term acquisitions of English media exposure, it
instead shifts the emphasis to how effective watching English movies or shows with proper
subtitles are towards second-language learners.
This unconventional way of learning and absorbing English is incredibly feasible and
effective if used correctly. English films and TV shows can be accessed everywhere – free on
the archive, and some with mandatory subscriptions – with the novel advancements of our
technology. While indulging in the content itself, one is able to absorb linguistic skills through
both auditory and visual display – that’s a win-win! However, if one is to pick a very
visually-oriented film with very few dialogues and destitute of subtitles, the effects may be
dormant and ineffective, hence it is incredibly important to choose the content wisely,
tailoring to your linguistic needs.
After all, our generation is best known for defying conventional education!

Birulés-Muntané, J. and Soto-Faraco, S. (2016) Watching subtitled Films can help
learning foreign languages, PloS one. Available at:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4927148/ (Accessed: 21 August 2023).
Object], [object (no date) The influence of watching English movie by using subtitle
toward students’ speaking skill, CORE. Available at:
https://core.ac.uk/reader/287159244 (Accessed: 21 August 2023)

Author: Avery Yau

English is viewed as a worldwide language, and its capability is fundamental for correspondence, training, and professional development. For non-local speakers, further developing English talking abilities can be an overwhelming undertaking. Nonetheless, with the right methodologies, anybody can become conversant in English. Here are a few powerful systems for working on English talking:

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

The way to further develop any ability is to practice, and the equivalent goes for English talking. Put away a period every day to work on communicating in English. You can begin little by talking with companions or relatives who are conversant in English. As you gain certainty, take a stab at talking with outsiders or joining a language trade bunch where you can banter with other English students.

2. Tune in and Rehash

Listening is a fundamental part of talking. Pay attention to English digital recordings, and music, or watch English films or Programs. Focus on the articulation, jargon, and sentence structure. Rehash what you hear, and work on impersonating the tone and affectation of the speaker.

3. Center around Articulation

Articulation is critical for successful correspondence. Concentrate on learning how to pronounce English words correctly. Utilize online assets, for example, YouTube instructional exercises or articulation applications, to get familiar with the right way to express normally misspoken words.

4. Construct Jargon

A rich jargon is fundamental for familiar English talking. Learn new words consistently and attempt to involve them in your discussions. Peruse English books, papers, and magazines to work on your jargon.

5. Watch English Television

Keeping up with English television is a great way to improve your speaking abilities. Commentators talk plainly and utilize appropriate English, making it simpler for students to comprehend and gain from them. You can likewise find out about recent developments and work on your overall information.

6. Utilize English in Day to day existence

Attempt to involve English in your everyday existence however much as could be expected. For instance, while requesting food at a café or purchasing food, attempt to talk in English. This will assist you with turning out to be more OK with the language and work on your talking abilities.

7. Take English Classes

Signing up for an English language course can be an extraordinary method for working on your talking abilities. You will have the chance to work on talking with different students and get input from an accomplished educator. There are numerous web-based courses accessible, making it simple to gain from any place on the planet. Click here if you’re interested to attend Niamfar’s private classes

8. Record Yourself Making a recording of yourself while you are speaking can be a great way to figure out where you can improve. Analyze your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary by listening to your recordings. Recognize your shortcomings and work on them by rehearsing more.

9. Be Sure

Certainty is key with regard to communicating in English. Go ahead and commit errors or stagger over your words. Recall that careful discipline brings about promising results, and the more you practice, the more certain you will turn into.

10. Participate in Discussions

Participating in discussions with local speakers or other English students is one of the most outstanding ways of working on your English talking abilities. Find discussion accomplices on language trade stages or join a language club. Participate in group debates, role-plays, and discussions. You will be able to improve your listening, confidence, and fluency as a result of this.

11. Speak Gradually and Obviously

While communicating in English, it’s vital to talk gradually and obviously. This will make it more straightforward for others to grasp you, particularly in the event that English isn’t their most memorable language. Try not to utilize shoptalk or complex jargon that might befuddle others.

12. Utilize Visual Guides

Visual guides can be an incredible instrument for working on English talking abilities. Use pictures, charts, or recordings to assist you with making sense of your thoughts. This will make it more straightforward for others to comprehend you and assist you with working on your jargon and punctuation.

13. Practice Inflection and Stress

Inflection and stress are significant parts of English talking. Sound alludes to the rising and falling pitch of your voice, while stress alludes to the accentuation you put on specific words or syllables. Work on utilizing inflection and stress accurately to precisely convey your significance.

14. Utilize Online Assets

There are numerous internet-based assets accessible to assist you with working on your English talking abilities. Practice speaking with apps like Babbel or Duolingo. Join online networks, like Reddit or Quora, to get clarification on some things and get input from local speakers. Watch English language recordings on YouTube or go to online classes to gain from specialists.

15. Learn English Figures of speech and Articulations

English figures of speech and articulations are regularly utilized in day-to-day discussions, and learning them can assist you with sounding more normal and familiar. Utilize online assets or books to learn normal English phrases and articulations, and work on involving them in discussions.

In conclusion, you can improve your English speaking skills in a variety of ways. Practice routinely, participate in discussions, utilize visual guides, learn English sayings and articulations, talk gradually and obviously, utilize online assets, and practice pitch and stress. It will take time and effort to improve your English speaking skills, but with the right strategies, you can become a confident and proficient English speaker.

All in all, further developing English talking abilities takes time and exertion, yet with the right procedures, anybody can become conversant in English. Practice consistently, tune in and rehash, center around articulation, assemble jargon, watch English news, utilize English in day-to-day existence, take English classes, record yourself, and be sure. By following these techniques, you will be well-headed to turn into a familiar English speaker.

As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, English has emerged as the de facto language of international business. For non-native speakers, the ability to communicate effectively in English is a critical skill that can open doors to new opportunities and enhance career prospects. However, learning English is not just about memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. It also requires the development of practical skills through consistent practice with fluent speakers.

Practicing with native speakers is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows learners to hear the language in its natural form, with all its colloquialisms and nuances. This is especially important for developing listening skills, which are often overlooked in traditional language learning approaches. Secondly, interacting with native speakers provides valuable feedback on pronunciation and grammar usage, which can be difficult to assess without direct input. Thirdly, practicing with fluent speakers helps learners develop confidence and fluency in their speaking skills, which is essential for effective communication.

One effective strategy for practicing with native speakers is through conversation exchange. This involves finding a language partner who is also interested in learning your native language and then taking turns speaking each other’s language. This approach is beneficial because it provides an opportunity for both parties to practice their speaking skills while also learning about each other’s culture and customs. It can also be a fun and engaging way to make new friends and expand your social network.

When it comes to learning English, immersion is key. Immersing oneself in the language means surrounding oneself with English speakers, whether they be native speakers or fellow learners. This provides ample opportunities to practice speaking, listening, and comprehending the language in a natural setting. One effective way to immerse oneself in English is to watch English-language media. This can include TV shows, movies, and online videos. Not only does this expose learners to natural English conversation, but it also provides a chance to learn about cultural norms and references. Reading English-language books and news articles is another effective way to immerse oneself in the language. This can help learners improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills, while also exposing them to different writing styles and genres.

Another effective strategy is to participate in language exchange programs, which are often offered by language schools and community organizations. These programs typically involve structured language practice sessions with native speakers, as well as cultural activities and immersion experiences. This approach is beneficial because it provides a supportive learning environment and access to experienced language instructors. It also allows learners to interact with a diverse range of native speakers, which can help develop a broader understanding of cultural differences and perspectives.

In addition to these strategies, there are several other ways to practice English with native speakers. These include attending language meetups and conversation clubs, participating in online language forums and chat rooms, and hiring a private tutor. The key is to find a method that works for you and to commit to consistent practice over time.

Of course, practicing with native speakers is not without its challenges. It can be intimidating to speak with someone who is fluent in the language, and learners may feel self-conscious about making mistakes or not understanding everything that is said. However, it’s important to remember that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process and that most native speakers are happy to help learners improve their skills. The key is to approach language practice with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to consistent effort.

In conclusion, practicing with native speakers is a powerful way to enhance language proficiency and develop practical skills for effective communication. By engaging in conversation exchange, language exchange programs, and other language practice activities, learners can improve their listening, speaking, and cultural awareness in a supportive and engaging environment. With consistent effort and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve fluency in English and unlock new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

NOTE: Rehearsing English with local speakers is a staggeringly amazing asset for further developing your language abilities. In addition to the fact that you get to gain from the people who have grown up communicating in the language, yet you likewise get to submerge yourself in the way of life, which is basic to figuring out the subtleties of the language. Moreover, talking with local speakers offers you the chance to rehearse your articulation and sound, which are fundamental components of a successful correspondence. With steady practice, you’ll find that your certainty and familiarity with English will improve emphatically. In this way, on the off chance that you’re hoping to take your language abilities to a higher level, think about tracking down a local speaker to rehearse with.

Recording Your Voice: A Powerful Tool for Boosting Fluency

Speaking with fluency is an important skill in many areas of life, whether you’re giving a presentation at work, participating in a debate, or simply having a conversation with friends. However, for many people, speaking in front of others can be a nerve-wracking experience that leads to stuttering, stumbling over words, and feeling self-conscious. Fortunately, recording your voice can be a powerful tool for improving your fluency and confidence in speaking. In this article, we will explore the benefits of recording your voice and provide tips for using this tool to become a more effective speaker.

One of the primary benefits of recording your voice is that it allows you to hear yourself as others hear you. When we speak, we often have a different perception of our voice than how it actually sounds to others. By listening to a recording of yourself speaking, you can gain a more objective understanding of your tone, pitch, pace, and other aspects of your speech. This can help you identify areas where you may need to improve and make adjustments to your speaking style.

Another benefit of recording your voice is that it can help you become more comfortable with speaking. Many people feel nervous or self-conscious when speaking in front of others, which can cause them to stumble over their words or speak too quickly. By recording yourself speaking in a private setting, you can practice speaking without the pressure of an audience. This can help you become more comfortable with your own voice and develop a more natural speaking style.

Recording your voice can also be a useful tool for language learners. When learning a new language, it can be difficult to know if you are pronouncing words correctly or using the correct grammar. By recording yourself speaking in the target language, you can listen back to your speech and compare it to native speakers. This can help you identify areas where you may need to improve and make adjustments to your pronunciation and grammar.

To get started with recording your voice, all you need is a smartphone or computer with a built-in microphone. There are also many free or low-cost apps and software programs available that allow you to record and edit your voice recordings. Once you have your recording device set up, try the following tips to get the most out of your recordings:

1. Set a specific goal: Before you start recording, think about what you want to achieve. Do you want to improve your pronunciation, pace, or overall speaking skills? Having a specific goal in mind can help you focus your efforts and track your progress over time.

2. Record yourself regularly: To see the most improvement, it’s important to record yourself speaking regularly. This could be once a day, once a week, or whatever schedule works best for you. By recording yourself over time, you can track your progress and see how your speaking skills improve.

3. Listen to yourself objectively: When listening back to your recordings, try to be as objective as possible. Don’t be too hard on yourself, but also don’t overlook areas where you may need to improve. Take note of any areas where you stumble over your words, speak too quickly, or have trouble with pronunciation.

4. Practice speaking in different settings: To become a more fluent speaker, it’s important to practice speaking in different settings. Try recording yourself speaking in a quiet room, in a noisy environment, or in front of a camera. This can help you become more comfortable with speaking in different situations and improve your overall fluency.

5. Get feedback from others: While listening to your own voice can be helpful, it’s also important to get feedback from others. Ask a friend, family member, or language tutor to listen to your recordings and provide constructive criticism. This can help you identify areas where you may need to improve and get tips for how to do so.

6. Use your recordings to prepare for presentations or speeches: If you have a presentation or speech coming up, use your recordings to practice and prepare. By listening to your recordings and making adjustments, you can become more confident and effective in your delivery.

In conclusion, recording your voice can be a powerful tool for boosting fluency in speaking. By listening to yourself objectively, identifying areas for improvement, and practicing regularly, you can become a more confident and effective speaker. So why not give it a try? Start recording your voice today and see how it can help you achieve your speaking goals. With dedication and practice, you can become a fluent and confident speaker who captivates audiences and communicates with ease.

Remember to be patient with yourself when recording your voice. Improving your fluency and confidence in speaking takes time and practice. Celebrate your progress and keep working towards your goals.